Archive for category: Tech Tips


6 Tips for Better Pictures with Your Smartphone

The best photographs have nothing to do with the filter that you choose. They start with a great ori...


Eight Tips to Protect Your Android Screen

Touchscreen smartphones are built to resist scratches and are sturdy enough to beat standard wear. B...


How To Back Up Your Iphone Data Just In Case

While technology is amazing, we all know that sometimes it fails us. Most people have been in that p...


Steps to Easy Battery Replacement in iPhones

The iPhone that you love to flaunt would prove futile a gadget had the battery not been in it. Given...


Recycling & Reusing Old Electronics

Now that the holidays have past and people have gotten used to their new devices, it’s time to consi...


How To Back Up An Android Just In Case

Unfortunately, it his harder to back up an Android than it is to back up an Iphone. There are a seri...

За PC tech

Ние сме много яки!!! Зарибени манияци, на които нищо не може да се опре. Поправяме всякакви електронни кутийки, които са прегърнати от „онзи с косата“!!! 🙂

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ул. Борово 57

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