Archive for category: We Repair


6 Most Common Reasons for iPhone Repair

Many people have come to regard their iPhone as an integral part of their life, so it stands to reas...


Cell Phone Repairs: How to Stay Ahead of the Crowd

Given how tech savvy we have become, it requires no mention that gadgets and electronics rule our li...


How Professional Cell Phone Services Help You?

All the professional mobile repair service shops hire experts who understand the best methods to rep...


Best Methods to Fix Broken Touch Screen

Accidents are common in our lives but some tend to affect us more than others. For example, if you f...

За PC tech

Ние сме много яки!!! Зарибени манияци, на които нищо не може да се опре. Поправяме всякакви електронни кутийки, които са прегърнати от „онзи с косата“!!! 🙂

София – Борово

София, ж.к. Борово,
ул. Борово 57

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Пон - Пет: 09:00 - 18:00